Thursday 3 April 2008

The Media Launch - Dune FM Radio

A day to remember. The end to end team slept at marks house and after bike adjustments into the night and detailed discussions on the media briefing we went to bed. 'Major Jonny' woke us at 0530 hrs! oh my god this is like some cycling boot camp...We were on the road at 0615hrs. The heads of several milkmen and paper boys turned as we patrolled the quiet streets of Southport. Legs warmed up and drills practiced we pulled into Dune FM for the early morning breakfast show. The station was buzzing - we were all hyped - and then we were on air. The banter was superb, I gave a shout out to my 3 monkeys (Edward - Bertie and Kitty) then we recorded several news clips. Breakfast Radio Done - TV awaits. We departed at 0915 and cycled to the awaiting TV and press. Already cars beeped their horns - we felt like we were famous already.

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