Sunday, 8 June 2008

Day 7 – Southport Fun Fest (Rest Day 1)

We met at 1115 hrs at Mark's place. Ali’s knee was much better and his morale was returning to the level we are familiar with. Jonathan had already recced the Fun Festival show ground so we knew the intended bike route. It felt surreal sitting back on the bike again in Southport. We set off for Ainsdale Police Station. We stopped off at Dad’s house and took several pictures in front. He would be delighted to see his lads now – The Ox boys live on!

At Ainsdale Police Station we found no police cycle riders. After several phone calls to traffic branch they knew nothing about it. How incredibly annoying, We had spoken to traffic many times, even Graham Farrell had had a meeting with them to confirm all was well. Maps and aerial photography had been sent through – and yet on the day the Police failed to deliver. Nevertheless the local bobbies (Neil and colleague ?) decided to provide an escort for us – good lads.

The ride into Southport was recorded on Mark's new head cam, as we swung into ‘Fun Fest’ the crowd cheered and we did our lap of honour around the grounds ending up on the stage with the DJ. Our family, Phil and Pam, Jenny and Laura, even Bernie and Kerry with little Rosh were there to see us. After an hour we departed and bedded bike into Mark’s. A short day but great experience. Tomorrow the schools!

Total milage - 497

1 comment:

Andy Bate said...

Go boys go!! im right behind you, well not right behind you as that would make me have to ride from lands ends to john o'groats and only mad people do that! Keep it up!